Assistant Professor
Department of Communication Studies
Department of Sociology
Institute for Policy Research
Northwestern University
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    Communication Studies 395-23/Sociology 376-23

    Internet and Society

    What's it like to maintain a blog? How about if you are in Iran or China? Are there downsides to using Friendster, Orkut or Thefacebook? Why might you not want your parents or professors to use them? Are you breaking any laws if you use Kazaa or Grokster? Could you be breaking laws for sharing your research findings? How does Amazon know what books and music may appeal to you? How do you know whether you should trust the contents of an email message? What can SimCity teach you about public policy?

    In this course, we take a social scientific look at communication and information technologies with particular emphasis on the Internet. The goal of the course is to understand how the development of communication and information technologies is embedded in a myriad of social institutions and social processes. We consider the cultural, economic, political and social implications of such technologies.

    Each student will be required to maintain a blog for which the necessary technical skills will be covered in class.

    Maximum class size: 40. Half of the slots are reserved for Sociology majors. Preference will be given to juniors and seniors.

    I do not post information about meeting times and location on this Web site. See CAESAR for those details.

    You will be graded on your ability to think critically about the material we cover in class and communicate your thoughts in writing (e.g. through your blog) and in class discussions.

Last updated: December, 2004
Contact: web04 at eszter dot com Version 3.3 (online since July 24, 1995)