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There are lots of data floating around about Internet user statistics whether in the US or worldwide. Such data are very hard to come by if you need them for rigorous statistical analyses (as opposed to a bulletpoint in a short little piece). I've decided to post some of my figures from related research because such information can be useful to many yet are not widely available. Although the National Telecommunications and Information Administration provides lots of related figures, they are a bit hard to read. In particular, the 2002 report "A Nation Online" has some useful over time graphs but not always legible (granted, the core statistics are featured on the bottom of the Chapter 2 page so you could create your own graphs if you wanted to).

The difference here is that I present figures for the adult population only (the NTIA site includes data for all those three years of age and above). One of the reasons I restrict my sample to those 18 and above is because other data sets I use (like the General Social Survey) only include adults in their samples and so it's important for consistency in my work.

I post these figures under the Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs-NonCommercial 1.0 License which means that you may use these figures elsewhere with attribution, for non-commercial purposes. If you do, I'd appreciate it if you let me know (eszter at princeton dot edu). If you'd like to use them for commercial purposes, please contact me.

A few notes about the data. The Current Population Survey has added computer use questions to some of its surveys since November, 1994. The Nov, 1994 survey was quite different from the others and thus comparison is a bit tricky. All survey documentation and the raw data are available on the Census' Web site. A separate page has links to the Computer and Internet Use Supplements directly. The 2002 report has a list of relevant disclaimers/notes about the data in the footnotes to Chapter 2.

Click here for a paper that discusses these figures and features a few others as well with international data.
Click here for a list of my related publications (including full copies online).

And now on to the graphs.

Jump to: Overall | Gender | Race | Ethnicity | Income | Education | Urban | Region

This image above shows the percentage of the adult US population online in the respective years.

This image shows the percentage of men and women online among the adult US population.

This image shows the percentage of racial groups online among the adult US population.

This image shows the percentage of non-Hispanic and Hispanic groups online among the adult US population.

This image shows the percentage of groups with different income online among the adult US population.

This image shows the percentage of groups with different educational attainment online among the adult US population.

This image shows the percentage of urban and non-urban groups online among the adult US population.

This image shows the percentage of groups by geographic area online among the adult US population.

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Last updated: March, 2003
Contact: eszter at eszter dot com Version 3.0 (online since July 24, 1995)